APS Affiliate 96

Auction 251

Send all bids to Hector Mena PO Box 14831, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or hrmena8@cox.net. The closing date is Saturday October 7 , 2023 at noon. The winning bid will be 10% over the next highest bid. If there is only one bid the winning price will be equal to the reserve. If the difference between the top bids is less than 10% the winning bid will be equal to the top bid.

All the lots are illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. The same information can be obtained by fax or mail from auction manager. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent signature package and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. Consultwww.usps.com for postage rates. Submit items for next auction by November 15, 2023 by noon to auction manager.

All payments will be made to Socorico either by check to Treasurer or PayPal account socorico@mail.com

Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006 (M&R)". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps. Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified. Each bid should be accompanied with the address to mail the lots, if not available the society listed address will be used and also with mailing instructions.
The fee structure for the sellers has been reduced for high price items. Sellers interested in known the details please contact the sales manager.

1943, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949 and overprints ABNCo Presidents Issues
1Sc224-32 1943 to 1947 surface mail o/p specimen (228 two printings)$10
2Sc226 3c with image copied on gum side$1
3Sc227 5c 1947 o/p muestra$1
4Sc229 25c die proof No. 83830 sunken on cardboard and mounted in large card$95
5ScC81-91A, 124-27, 1943-45-46 airmail complete sets used$6
6ScC81-91 1943 overprinted specimen$12
7ScC81A-91A 1945 overprinted muestra$12
8ScC86 65c die proof No. 83836 sunken on cardboard$95
9ScC87 85c die proof No. 83837 sunken on cardboard $95
10ScC87A 85c die proof No. 83837 sunken on cardboard$95
11ScC88B 1.05C die proof No. 85960 sunken on cardboard$95
12ScC124-27 1946 in blocks of 4$3.5
13Essay on 25c stamp (EA166)$10
14Essay on 30c stamp (EA166a)$10
15ScC124-27 as above overprinted muestra horizontal$3
16ScC124-27 as above overprinted muestra oblique$3
17ScC125 30c die proof No. 86813 sunken on cardboard (DPA136)$95
18ScC154-58 1947 in blocks of 4$4
19ScC154-58 overprinted muestra$3
20ScC154-58 overprinted muestra all with fallen bar, position 45$6
21ScC158 block of 4 overprint muestra with fallen bar$2
22ScC154 overprint inverted on top (A166a)$14
23ScC155 overprint in black (A167a)$14
24ScC156 overprinted inverted (A168a)$14
25ScC154, 156 with minor error of overprint$1
26ScC179-81 1948 overprinted muestra oblique and horizontal$4
27ScC182-84 1949 in blocks of 4$3
28ScC184, 185 with minor error of overprint$1
29ScC772a 1979 se-tenant sheet 25 with postal rates$5
30224 (5) + C217 Limon to SJ Oct 1955$2
31224, 225 (2) + C217 Limon to SJ Oct 1955$2
32227, C81 Puriscal to SJ May 1944$4
33227, C81 Liberia to SJ Jun 1944$4
34228, C81 to Prague surface, returned to sender service suspended Jun 1945$9
35228, C81 to Brano, Czechoslovakia as above, censored Sept 14, 1945$9
36228, C81 to Zatec, Czechoslovakia as above, censored Sep 14, 1945$9
37228, C81 to Cechy, Czechoslovakia as above, censored Sep 14, 1945$9
38C81 on local covers SJ 3 items$3
39C81 on local covers SJ 3 items 1945$3
40C81 on local covers SJ 3 items 1945$3
41C81 on 2 local, Villa Quesada 3 items 1945$3.5
42C82A Limon to SJ Express backstamp receipt Jun 1953$3
43C82A + 221 SJ to Guatemala backstamp receipt Jul 1945$2
44C83 SJ to Guatemala backstamp receipt Nov 1943$2
45C83 (3) SJ to Guatemala backstamp receipt Nov 1943$3
46C83 + 228 to Miami, censored$3.5
47C83A (3) registered to NY backstamp receipt Oct 1947 $2
48C83A to Indiana, Toledo, New Orleans 1946 3 items$3
49C84 (2) + 220 to Cristobal, Canal Zone, censored Aug 1944$3
50C84 + C81 Limon to New York censored Mar 1944$2
51C84A (3) registered to NY backstamp receipt Oct 1947$2.5
52C85 to Georgia, to Tallahassee censored, backstamp receipt Nov 1944$3
53C85 to Chicago, Jul 1944, to Findlay, Ohio Aug 1944 censored 2 items$3
54C85 to Decatur, Aug 1944, Miramar to Dallas Jan 1945 censored 2 items$3
55C85 to Decatur, Jun 1944. Miramar to Dallas Aug 1944 censored 2 items$3
56C85 (3) + C83 to La Habana, Cuba censored$3.5
57C85A +228 to San Diego Oct 1945$3
58C85A + 220, 244 to Toledo, Ohio Feb 12946$2
59C86 +C81 etc to Boston censored Mar 1945$2.5
60C87 + 227 to DC Italia Libre censored Feb 1944$5
C87A + C179 to LA via New Orleans backstamp receipt registered May 1949$3.5
62C88 + 227 to New York censored$4
63C88 + 233 to Guatemala May 1944$4.5
64C88A on EN17 to Louisiana via Brownsville registered Jul 1947$4
65C88B + C86A to San Antonio via New Orleans censored Jul 1945$4
66C88B + 249 to Louisiana registered Nov 1947$3
67C88B + C81(2) to Mexico registered Jul 1945$4.5
68C89 (2) to San Antonio registered, censored, backstamp receipt Jun 1944$5
69C91 plus to San Francisco registered Oct 1943$5
70C91A + 228 transatlantic mail (2.25) to Basle May 1946$4
71C91A + C124 transatlantic mail (2.25) size 10 to London 1946$4
72C124-27 FDC registered to Texas May 13, 1946$2
73C124-27 FDC registered to New York, May 13, 1946$2
74C125 (3) to New York registered May 1946$2
75C125 + 238 to Louisiana$2
76C126 to Dayton Aug 1947$2
77C126 (2) to New York registered May 1946$2.5
78C154 La Garita to SJ Apr 1947$5
C156 (3) San Pedro de Poas to SJ registered Set 1947$7
80C179 2 items, C180 1949$3
81C181 Puerto Jimenez to SJ Jan 1950$3.5
82C181 Sanatorio Duran (Cartago) to SJ Jan 1949$3.5
83C181 (2), C179 to New Orleans Jun 1949$2
84C182 Cartago to Los Angeles Nov 1949$2
85C184 Grecia to Los Angeles Nov 1949$2

National Theater 1948
86C185 to Los Angeles Sep 1949$2
87C168-77 National Theater in blocks of 4$48
88C168-77 on FDC to New York registered 26 Jan 1948$8
89SA187-188 o/p Waterlow & Sons specimen with hole$20
90C168-77 imperforate color proofs in pairs (CPA180-89)$48
91Imperforate plate/color proofs$3

Churches on Cover
92C457 35c Rio Ley Finca 6 to Limon Sep 1968$10
93C455-57 Santo Domingo, SJ to LA, Miami 1969-70$2.5
94C459-60 to Miami 1968-69$2.5
95C462-64 to Miami 1967-68$2.5
96C466, C467 registered to Miami 1968-69$2.5
97C565-66 to Florida 1972-74$2.5
98C568-71 to Miami, C571 express 1973-74$2.5
99C572-73 to Miami 1973-74$2.5
100C574-76, C576 registered to Miami 1973-74$2.5
101The Oxcart issues No. 151 to 170 new, weight 4 pounds$25

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